Gynaecological and pelvic surgery

Gynaecological and pelvic surgery

Depending on your complaint and care needs, the gynaecologist will opt for surgery: either a surgical procedure using a conventional approach (such as a laparotomy, vaginal surgery) or keyhole surgery (such as hysteroscopy, laparoscopy), with robotic surgery used for certain procedures.

An overview of the various procedures:

Open abdominal surgery (laparotomy)

This is a conventional approach that involves an incision in the abdomen.


  • Large myomas
  • Wide range of cancer operations (such as ovarian cancer)

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Vaginal surgery

This is a conventional approach via the vagina.


  • Hysterectomy (removal of the uterus)
  • Procedures for incontinence or prolapse

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This is a keyhole procedure via the vagina and the cervix, inside the uterus.


  • Intrauterine polyps or myomas
  • Endometrial ablation with excessive menstrual blood loss

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This is a keyhole procedure via the navel.


  • Cyst or lump in ovaries
  • Ectopic pregnancy
  • Endometriosis
  • Hysterectomy (removal of the uterus)

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Robotic surgery

This is a keyhole procedure via the abdomen where the surgeon sits at a console to operate the robotic arms with the instruments for the procedure on the patient’s body.


  • Comparable to a laparoscopy, but only for bigger and more complex operations
  • Cervical cancer, uterus cancer
  • Removal of the lymph glands (lymphadenectomy)


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