Save the date: TouchPoints event with VUB and UZ Brussels

Save the date: TouchPoints event with VUB and UZ Brussels

voor verwijzers
Donderdag 17 oktober 2024
Van 15 tot 19 uur
VUB Health Campus, Building A Jette (Brussels)

MEDVIA’s TouchPoints series introduces healthtech companies to the wealth of research opportunities at Flemish universities – which are right on your doorstep.

Are you looking for a research partner for your healthtech project but don’t know where to start? Could the next innovation that skyrockets your company to success already be in development?

MEDVIA’s TouchPoints series brings together university Tech Transfer offices with companies so the former can showcase what they have available, and the latter can be inspired to create new value in their product or service portfolio. This session features Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) and UZ Brussel, and  is co-organized with

TouchPoints: Finding your healthtech research partner
at VUB and UZ Brussel
17 October 2024, 15.00-19.00
VUB Health Campus, Building A
Jette (Brussels)


Universities are typically hotspots for innovation. While some of these projects never go beyond the pilot phase, they could be a goldmine for companies looking for new products or services. Collaboration between knowledge centres and industry on the basis of tech transfer is mutually beneficial.

Program to come soon, but you can already register here.

Join us for this unique opportunity to connect with health professionals and kickstart a new project!

Respect zit verweven in het DNA van het UZ Brussel. Daarom staat respect ook centraal bij het reageren op nieuws- of blogberichten. We kennen graag uw graag mening en staan open voor suggesties of vragen, maar vragen wel om een aantal simpele regels in acht te nemen. Alleen reacties die de regels respecteren, worden goedgekeurd en gepubliceerd.