If you believe that your rights as a patient have not been respected, you have the right to complain. It is always advisable to talk to your care provider first (doctor, nurse, etc.). If that is not possible or does not lead to a solution, you can contact the ombudsman service.
The ombudsman is impartial and respects professional secrecy and the confidentiality of the dossier.
The ombudsman tries to mediate. This means that once the patient’s issue is clear, the care provider is contacted. The aim of mediation is to find a solution for everyone concerned. If no solution is found despite the mediation, the ombudsman provides information about other possible channels to resolve the issue.
Any willing patient may be assisted by a confidant:
- In obtaining information about his health condition
- To consult his patient file
- To obtain a copy of it
- When lodging a complaint
You may also ask to be given information without being present yourself. The health care provider shall note the identity of the confidant in the patient file as well as any provision of information, indicating whether or not the patient was present.
Procedure for designation
You may designate a family member or any other person as confidant. This can be done orally or in writing, e.g. by filling out the Federal Commission's “Patient's Rights” form. The form is preferably prepared in three copies: one for yourself, one for the confidant and one for the professional/patient record. You may also designate more than one confidant. You may terminate the designation at any time.
Designated representative
Any patient who is of age and capable of giving his or her informed consent may appoint a representative to exercise his or her rights in the event that he or she becomes incapacitated (e.g., by coma).
You may appoint a family member or any other person as representative and may use the form of the Federal Commission “Patients' Rights”. The form should preferably be prepared in three copies: one for yourself, one for the representative and one for the professional/patient record. You may terminate the designation at any time.
Contact details
The ombudsman is available on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2 pm to 4 pm or by appointment made by telephone. Follow route number 1031.
- Email:
- Tel.: 02 477 70 70
- Address:
Ombudsdienst UZ Brussel
Laarbeeklaan 101
1090 Brussels