
dr Michael Mekeirele

dr Michael Mekeirele dr Michael Mekeirele

dr Michael Mekeirele

Membre de l’équipe de Soins Intensifs
Prestataire conventionné

Recherche scientifique

  • Meersseman P, Langouche L, du Plessis J, Korf H, Mekeirele M, Laleman W, Nevens F, Wilmer A, Van den Berghe G, van der Merwe SW. The intensive care unit course and outcome in acute-on-chronic liver failure are comparable to other populations. J Hepatol. 2018 May 4
  • Bernards J, Mekeirele M, Hoffmann B, Peeters Y. Hemodynamic monitoring: to calibrate or not to callibrate part 2 - non callibrated techniques Anestesiology intensive therapy 2015 vol 47 nr5
  • Peeters Y, Bernards J, Mekeirele M, Hoffmann B. Hemodynamic monitoring: to calibrate or not to callibrate part 1 - callibrated techniques. Anestesiology intensive therapy 2015 vol 47 nr5
  • Mekeirele M, Verbanck J: Geïsoleerde hypercalcemie: pathofysiologie. Tijdschrift voor geneeskunde 2015, vol 71, nr. 9