Treadmill test

Treadmill test

Like the ankle-brachial index, the treadmill test is a test which is used to identify blocked arteries in the lower limbs. This is test is carried out during exercise and it is much more sensitive than the ankle-brachial index, which is carried out at rest. Even moderately narrowed arteries can be identified in this way.

Preparing for the test

During the test you will have to walk quite a long way on a treadmill. You should wear comfortable clothes and shoes.

What happens during the test

  1. The test is completely painless and takes 30 to 40 minutes.
  2. The doctor will ask you to walk on a treadmill.
  3. While you are walking the blood pressure in your ankle will be measured and compared with the pressure in your arm. The blood pressure in your ankles ideally should not fall when the leg muscles are working. If it does fall, the blood flow is being hindered.
  4. While you are walking the doctor will also record an ECG (electrocardiogram). If the heart muscle is not getting enough blood during physical exercise, this will be shown on the ECG.

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