

Stroke patients usually only stay in the Stroke Unit for a few days. When the medical situation permits, after your stay in the Stroke Unit you are transferred to an ordinary hospital room in the Neurology department.

If your condition is stable and the examinations are over, you can leave the hospital. The discharge options are discussed in the multidisciplinary team. Your age and home situation as well as opportunities for exercise and load-bearing are important here.

The following options are possible:

Return home

If your home situation permits, you can be discharged to go home. If necessary, the rehabilitation can be continued under the supervision of a physiotherapist in your neighbourhood. You are given an appointment for a check-up at the Neurology consultation after two to six weeks. This check-up covers the following points:

  • Your general condition
  • Any remaining complaints resulting from the stroke
  • Drug use
  • Results of the examinations
  • Risks factors relating to the stroke

Admission to a rehabilitation centre or a rest and nursing home

If you still need further rehabilitation and/or care, admission to a rehabilitation centre or a rest and nursing home is a possibility. A social nurse from the hospital will help you organise the practical aspects of this.