Lymph Clinic

Lymph Clinic

Lymphatic drainage to treat lymphoedema

Specialised physiotherapist

Lymphatic drainage is preferably done manually rather than mechanically. It is a massage performed by a specialised physiotherapist in which gentle, spiral pressure is rhythmically applied to the lymph nodes to increase the transport capacity of the lymphatic system. The entire body, and not only the swollen part, is always treated so as to reduce the size of the affected limbs.

Pneumatic drainage

Manual treatment can be supplemented by pneumatic drainage using a pump and a "cuff" around the affected limb (Intermittent Pneumatic Compression or IPC) or a pressure wave device.

Pressure dressing

Lymphatic drainage is always combined with pressure bandages. If the arm or leg is thin enough, these are closed with a therapeutic elastic stocking.


At the start, lymphatic drainage is usually done three to five times a week, sometimes more frequently. Depending on the success of the treatment, it is gradually reduced after a few weeks (two or three times a week, sometimes once a week). In some cases, long-term treatment is indicated.

Increased reimbursement

You can apply for an increased reimbursement from the health insurance fund for physiotherapy for lymphoedema through a specialist (not through your general practitioner).