Lymph Clinic

Lymph Clinic

Compression therapy to treat lymphoedema

Compression therapy is a combination of bandaging and exercise.

Pressure bandage

A compression bandage is applied after each manual treatment to prevent lymphatic fluid from flowing back into the subcutaneous tissue. In this way, the limb is kept supple longer and the disease is prevented from progressing.

Elastic bandages

Elastic bandages exert high pressure when moving, so that a lot of fluid can drain away. Due to the counter pressure of the bandage, small muscle movements, subcutaneous tissue and skin constantly press against the bandage. Each muscle movement then acts like a pump. The "muscle pump" works better through the bandages and drains the fluid better.


Lots of exercise has a supportive effect on the bandages. Hence the importance of exercises immediately after the lymphatic drainage. This will maximise the effect of the bandage effect and drain the lymphatic fluid. Light sports or yoga are recommended. However, endurance sports (e.g., prolonged walking) are not recommended, as this can aggravate swelling.